AVYCON AI solutions have demonstrated versatile applications across a broad spectrum of industries, seamlessly integrating into diverse sectors of daily life.
- Edge AI technology offers intelligent data filtering and processing directly within the camera, featuring an advanced AI video analysis function built on deep learning principles. This approach refines data at the source, facilitating cost-effective data transfer and alleviating the need for extensive server expansion. This not only minimizes the burden of heavy costs associated with network and storage capacity usage loads but also enhances overall efficiency in video analysis processes.
- The deep learning methodology employed in AVYCON's artificial intelligence system achieves a high recognition rate by adeptly learning diverse and relevant data specific to the targeted environment. This approach ensures an advanced level of adaptability and effectiveness in recognition processes.
- Edge AI, operating in close proximity to the data source, significantly lowers network costs. This is attributed to the computational processes being performed at the edge, reducing the risk of data loss due to shorter distances. Additionally, this localized computation results in faster processing speeds compared to the alternative of transmitting data separately to the cloud

AVYCON aims to mitigate the risk of large-scale human casualties and property damage, contributing to a safer and more secure environment by proactively addressing these precursors such as leveraging big data analytics to analyze the patterns of small incidents, which serve as precursors to industrial accidents and social disasters,
- AVYCON empowers safety preparedness by employing innovative methods such as counting the number of entrances and exits in designated areas. The utilization of advanced analytics, including the heatmap function, enables the analysis and prediction of crowd density both indoors and outdoors.
- AVYCON employs advanced detection and recognition capabilities to identify potential hazards such as flames, smoke, fire, and gas leakage. This proactive approach enables to prepare and supervise effectively before an accident occurs, safeguarding against large-scale loss of life and personal property.
- AVYCON employs a comprehensive approach to prevent and monitor potential hazards such as tunnel collapses, roadside incidents, and underground issues. By integrating sensors and AI, valuable information can be collected to proactively address safety concerns.

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